Funny Face Icons Definition
With these symbols we can arrange some interesting patterns and make whole "smiley pictures" in the same way that we make text pictures using plainly symbols. With a tool I made, you can make your own special pattern and simply choose where you want what kind of icon made from symbol. Check it out, it's pretty cool and it works awesomely and looks originally in FB comments.You can have more fun with smileys, emoticons and Emoji by arranging them into meaningful patterns. You can use these patterns in Facebook comments and in other places around the web. It's pretty cool.
You may have seen people writing that you can post a number, or text in [[]] double-brackets and it will appear as an emoticon. At first I thought it's fake, but then I checked. Facebook has made what they called Open Graph. Now everyone and every image has an ID number that links to him/her/it. In addition, some stuff also has a letter writing associated.
KEYBOARD (all of which I've done)? My final thought, however, was so what? The theme entries are a bland description with no payoff. No punchline. No humor. No twist. Was "SEE BYLINE IN NEWSPAPER" supposed to be funny? I don't get it. The imagined quote / recipe goes nowhere. If the step-by-step instructions had been a soup recipe, at least I'd be left with something vaguely useful. I just don't understand how this puzzle got past the "cute idea" stage. Another problem with puzzles of this type is that the theme answers have to be symmetrical, so you get phrasing issues as constructors try to make the "steps" come out to a certain length. Step 2 is particularly awkward. DEVELOP BEST ENTRIES? It's not photography, and you don't send them to training camp. Maybe you DECIDE ON the best entries. I don't know. This one left me quite cold. There's nothing clever about the theme; further, there's very little of interest in the non-theme fill.
Funny Face Icons
Funny Face Icons
Funny Face Icons
Funny Face Icons

Funny Face Icons
Funny Face Icons
Funny Face Icons
Funny Face Icons
Funny Face Icons
Funny Face Icons
Funny Face Icons
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